
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Story of Inspiration and Dedication! Camper Lisa in CO!

Hi Christina - I figured I would send you some pictures and tell you my story! - I only have a few pictures, and not whole body shots, but hey there is definitely a difference!  

I have pretty much struggled with my weight for quite some time and really needed something new and fun - after having my kids I really needed to get my body back.
So I do have to give credit to my co-worker Celicia who joined boot camp with me in June of last year - she is the one who found you guys first and I said I wanted to go with her and actually we have another co-worker - Shauna - who after Celicia and I started and told her how much we like it - she signed up for the Boot camp in Littleton, CO!!  

I started at about 268lbs last April/May and had lost about 15lbs before I started with Code Pink Boot Camp on June 1st of 2010, I just needed something different and I knew the gym was not the answer for me - I was excited about this boot camp!!   I was in the 6pm class in Westminster, CO and oh boy - I did my first class in 90 degree weather and the whole time I was thinking to myself "what was I thinking" and "what did I sign up for”! HA - The pounds started dropping off and I got addicted to boot camp pretty fast - I found myself signing up for the 5:30am class as I couldn't do the 90 degree days anymore - and then signing up for the rest of the year! - This brings us to now and I’m at about 205lbs right now!!!! - I’m so excited that this is working for me and I have to say I have enjoyed working out every morning in boot camp!

Every single class since I started in June of last year is completely different - you never get bored and Tiffany always has something new for us - It is a high energy and fun class and something you won't find at any gym!!!!  Code Pink Boot Camp has really been the best thing that has ever happened to me!! (Ok except my kids and Hubby!)

I’m going to keep going as I still would like to lose another 45 or so pounds and I know I will get there with this boot camp!  Thank you so much!

I have attached 3 pictures - the first one Old-Lisa is from about last year in July 2010 - about 1 month into bootcamp - then the other 2 pictures NewLisa1 and NewLisa2 were just taken in December!

Lisa Michel

New Lisa 1!

New Lisa 2!

Old Lisa!

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